Friday, July 31, 2015

Adopting My Dog Was The Best Decision Of My Life

 For a few years I was begging my parents to buy me a puppy. Every birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day... I wanted a dog in the worst way. I always knew that I wanted either a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or a Pomeranian because those are my two favorite breeds but little did I ever realize that I could adopt one from a local pet shelter.

Above, you see photos of me and my beautiful Pomeranian named Mimi. She is the sweetest and most loving dog you could ever imagine having... and she's funny! She loves wearing clothes and she loves her owners and is not afraid to defend them when she feels that they could be in danger.

I was always aware of pet shelters, it just never came to mind because I was used to always going to pet shops. Although I did not get Mimi from a shelter, I rescued her from a home that she was unfortunately extremely abused at. When we got her, she was in extremely horrible shape to the point where when we got her, we took her straight to get groomed and the groomers did not want to accept her and cut her fur. Her fur was extremely knotted up and she had feces stuck to her fur... she smelled awful but that didn't stop my mother and I from wanting to save her. When I first saw her, I immediately just fell in love... and I could tell that the feeling was mutual. Because she was abused, she did not like strangers and her first reaction to meeting someone new was to growl at them and bark because she was scared but for some odd reason she never reacted like that towards me. She is a very expressive dog and when she first met me, she looked at me with such adoring eyes as if she fell in love for the first time and it was ADORABLE! (My mom was super jealous because Mimi would growl at her yet she loved me right away). Little did I know that adopting her would be the best decision of my life... She has made my life so much better since she came into my life and I couldn't be more grateful. She is my best friend and she knows it too. She literally follows me everywhere and she LOVES going for car rides with me! She is literally everything that I ever wanted in a dog and more! Basically, if I got to create my dream dog, it would be exactly her.

I decided to write this blog because she is a huge part of my life and I want to bring more awareness to adopting an animal because they could be the best thing that could ever happen to you. Many people have a misperception of animals that are abused or in a shelter and the honest truth is that they are amazing and all they want is love and a good and safe home. By rescuing a pet, you will be saving a life and getting just as much love as you would get if you bought your pet and if not, more love. Another perk is that when you adopt a pet, it costs anywhere between $50-$200 compared to buying one at the store which is normally anywhere between $500-$2,000. The way that I look at it though, is that whether you adopt a pet or buy a pet, you are still giving an animal a home which is what every animal deserves but if you truly want a pet, I recommend visiting your local pet shelter first and seeing what you could possibly be missing out on because you could end up meeting the best thing that could ever happen to you in that shelter.

In-case you are unaware of where a shelter may be, here is a website that will locate a shelter near you:

Xoxo, Amanda 

Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Twitter!
Instagram: amanda__saez
Twitter: @amanda__saez
(both usernames have two underscores)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Don't Let Life Discourage You

Everybody goes through dealing with a bit of discouragement at least once in their lifetime. If not, end up dealing with it on a daily basis. And guess what? It is completely normal to have these feelings! You just cannot allow them get the best of you and refrain you from being the successful person that you could be because although you may feel stressed out and hopeless, anyone could be successful if they truly put their heart and mind into it.

Throughout my life, I have always dealt with feeling discouraged due to many things... Mainly because I was bullied and was constantly being told that I will never be anything in life. And although those words were extremely hurtful, I've taught myself to not be affected by hurtful words that other people say. Like I said in my bio, I am studying to be a journalist... so my ultimate goals are two things: 
1) to be a host of the New Years Eve show held in NYC (with Ryan Seacrest because he is my ultimate idol... He is literally everything that I want to be career wise)
2) I would love to be a host on E! News.

Very high expectations... However, that is what I want and I plan to work as hard as I possibly can to get as close to my goals as possible. Now being that I am studying journalism, I ALWAYS get told that I shouldn't go for that because it is extremely competitive and that it's hard to find a job in that field. And although that may be true, I don't let it stop me from pursuing what I want to be in MY life. I'm extremely passionate about what I am studying and yeah it may not be easy but nothing is ever easy. Nothing is ever just given to you. You need to work really hard at it and I believe that I can achieve anything that I seriously put my mind to. As I mentioned earlier, I was bullied... A lot. And it was absolutely terrible and degrading and it affected me greatly as I grew up. Once I graduated High School and started College, my entire view on myself changed. I began to not care about whether or not people were judging me or making fun of me for what I was doing with my life because I realized that I am not what other people say that I am and I realized that God put me on this Earth for a purpose and that I have duties to fulfill that may be different from everyone else's duties and I am okay with that. There are people out there who will try to break you down and they want to see you fail which is sad and unfortunate but it's true. But you cannot let that get to you. I've taught myself to block the hate because I know who I am and I do not need a person to try and tell me who I am and who I'm not.

Most of the time when people judge you or make fun of you, it's because they are jealous. And jealousy is a very nasty feeling. Chances are, if someone is jealous of you, you're probably doing something right with yourself because if someone is jealous and envious towards you for what you're doing, chances are, they wish that they were doing the same things that you're doing. So don't be afraid to be yourself and express how you feel because there's only one you and only one life to live so you need to make the best of it and enjoy every second of it. Just some inspiration from the heart 
Xoxo, Amanda ♡
Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Twitter!
Instagram: amanda__saez
Twitter: @amanda__saez
(both usernames have two underscores)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Meet Your Blogger ♡

Hi there loves! My name is Amanda and I am currently a student in college majoring in Broadcast Journalism. I am extremely passionate about communication and I love speaking to people and making new friends. I have been a dancer since the age of 3 years old but when I started college, I did not have enough time to pursue dancing due to the fact that I am a full-time college student and I also work part-time. As I grew up, I found a new passion of mine which was beauty pageants. Beauty pageants have taught me many things. Mainly that I am my own person and that I have one life to live and a purpose and that I have to achieve whatever it is that God put me on this Earth for. One of the things that I realized that I wanted to do once I began pageants was be a journalist and the other thing that I realized is that I want to be a role model to other people. I love doing community service and helping not only my own community but other communities as well. I have helped schools raise money for children's education because unfortunately, the school did not have enough money to provide the children books. I love to collect coats to people who cannot afford a coat or are homeless and need a coat to stay warm in the Winter because it is absolutely terrible to have to deal with being freezing during the Winter. In my photo, you see a photo of me on stage for my second (most recent) pageant, a selfie that I took, and a photo of my boyfriend (Matt) and I taken at our Senior Prom :) We have been together for almost 7 years so I know a lot about relationships and love giving other people advice about their relationships and how they should deal with certain situations. I do believe in true love and happiness so I hope that you all enjoy my blog! This is my very first blog and I couldn't be more excited about it! :) I have always wanted to start a blog but now that I am more educated about journalism and I am planning on being a journalist, I figured why not start one now? So here you are guys... I hope you all enjoy ♡
Xoxo, Amanda ♡
Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Twitter!
Instagram: amanda__saez
Twitter: @amanda__saez
(both usernames have two underscores)